I help busy families and professionals move up in south Orange County’s coastal communities!
When you first moved in, you were stoked! You loved your house and the location. You couldn’t really imagine living anywhere else. You thought ahead —you had great school choices for your kids. Baby #1 came along. Then Baby #2. Maybe even a Baby #3!
And the babies started walking and talking. And while the baby gear doesn’t take up so much space anymore, their growing limbs and loud voices make up for it! Are you raising babies or dinosaurs? You’re not sure.
But they’re big. And loud. (As they get older, stinky.) They leave chaos in their wake with pillows left on the floor, shoes tossed here and there, abandoned socks, dirty dishes, skateboards in the middle of the garage, and on and on!
Kids sharing a room seemed like a good idea. But now, bedtimes are different. School responsibilities are different. One wants the room nice and neat, the other couldn’t care less. You can keep laying down the law, but the result seems to be continued misery. And your older one —you know she needs independence.
So what do you do now? You’re stuck, you think.Guess what. You’re not stuck. You have choices. And I have the plan.
Specifically, we’ll tailor the 5 steps of my curated “Hello!—Goodbye.” plan to guide you through the home selling and buying process so you move forward empowered, well-informed, and supported throughout our work together.